Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Entry #4.12 - Process {E}

-What exact items have been added to your cereal box front?
The items added to my cereal box front was the name of the cereal and a picture of a cereal that relates to it.

-What exact items still need to be added to your cereal box front next week?
I still need to add abstracted photos of my historical person and the cereal.

-What score would you give yourself? What can you do to improve your score?
I would give myself around a 3 or 4 because the front of my cereal box is not complete and I can make sure my computer is working this time and I have everything I need to add to my cereal front ready.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Entry #4.8 - Target Consumer {B}

The consumer my cereal box will attract are adults and teenagers.
I would put information about my historical person and also fun features to give a small lesson about the person but also make the cereal box fun.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Entry #4.7 - Image Research (A)

Blog Entry #4.7 - Image Research (A)

Blog Entry #4.7 - Image Research (A)

Blog Entry #4.6 - Personal Research (A)

1. Name of Notable Person:
~Elizabeth II
2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)
3. Biographical Information:
a. Date of Birth and Death
~April 21, 1926-
b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):
~Born In London England
c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children)
~Parents: Albert and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons
Siblings: Sister, Princess Margaret
Children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward
d. Education 
e. Occupation
~She is the Queen of the United Kingdom 

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)
~"Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements" 
*"1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure. In the words of one of my more sympathetic correspondents, it has turned out to be an 'Annus Horribilis'."
5. Significant contribution(s) to World History
~Queen Elizabeth set up her own foundation
6. Ten terms related to the person

*United Kingdom
7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life
*April 21, 1926: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary born in London.
*April 21, 1943: Her first public engagement, a day with the Grenadier Guards tank battalion.
*Nov. 20, 1947: Marries Philip Mountbatten, who becomes Duke of Edinburgh.
*Feb. 6, 1952: George VI dies, succeeded by Elizabeth II. *June 2, 1953: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey, the first televised coronation.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Entry #4.4 - Plan (C)

List of specific steps needed:
1. Name of cereal
2. Company name
3. Extracted photo of your hero
4. Extracted photo of cereal box
5. Information about the historical person i chose
6. Information on any controversies the person had
7. Summation of the characteristics that make the person important
8. Several pictures relevant to the person
9. Quote from your hero
10. Timeline about the person
11. Reference of the most significant event
12. Bibliography in MLA format

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Entry #4.3 - Adult Cereal Box {A}

View Image

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted adults with this cereal box.
Answer: The Designer has targeted adults with this cereal box by the colors used & the way the designer used the text.
2. What gender of adult is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?
Answer: Both genders are targeted to this cereal box. There is no specific theme to the box to identify if it is targeted to a certain gender.
3. What is the advertising slogan?
Answer:"Crispy Flakes, Crunchy Oats, and A Touch of Honey."

Blog Entry #4.1 - Design Task {A}

This week i have been assigned to create a cereal box based on a historical person that is not American or Candian. I have been assigned to Elizabeth II and have to tell about her history and who she was. I also have to add fun facts to the cereal box to attracte people to buy the cereal.

Blog Entry #4.2 - Children Cereal Box {A}

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted children with this cereal box.

Answer: The designer has targeted children with this cereal box but the theme of the cereal box and the colors used.

2. What gender of children is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?

Answer: Both genders are targeted. The gender of the characters led me to know that both genders are targeted in this cereal box.

3. What is the advertising slogan?

Answer:"I'm Rapmaster Barney and I'm here to say, I love Fruity Pebbles in a major way!"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog Entry #3.12- Process Journal 3 {E}

1. What exact items have been added to your poster? The items that has been added to my poster were a picture of the countries leader, a photo of the monuments if the country and a photo of the countries surroundings.

2. What exact items still need to be added to your post next week?
Items that still need to be added are more photos and some information about the country.

3. What score would you give yourself?
I would give myself around 6 because my poster isnt finished yet but the features i have added would nost likey attract a tourist.

4. What can you do to improve your score?
To improve my score i can add more details to my poster that are needed.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Entry #3.7 - Image Research (A)

Required Images:

-Map with Neighboring Countries and your Country Highlighted:

-Current Leader

-Monument, Attraction or Historical Site of Interest to Tourists


-Mimimum of four other images related to this conuntry:

Blog Entry #3.6 - Country Research (A)

1. Cape Verde
3. -Capital City: Praia
    -Population: 476,000
    -Monetary Unit/Currency: Cape Verde Escudo
    -Official Language: Portuguese
4. Current Leader: Pedro Pires

5. Flag:

6. Map Of Country:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Entry #3.3 - Poster ch Research {A}

I think what stood out the most in this poster to me was the pictures of the beaches and under water. I believe tourist from mainly Australia were being targeted in this poster and their interest were to relax on the beach and see the sights of the ocean and sea animals. The information from the poster is telling how beautiful Australia is and the different sights to see.

Blog Entry #3.2 - Dream Destination (A)

If I could travel anywhere in the world I would want to travel to the Bahamas. I would like to travel to the Bahamas because i find this country beautiful and looks relaxing. It would be a chance for me to explore the culture and living in the Bahamas. I would be able to get out of New York and see different sights in the country. If I ever got the chance to travel to the Bahamas I think i would take a trip around the country and stay on the beach most days.

Blog Entry #3.1 - Design Task (A)

For this project I was assigned to advirtise the country Cape Verde. For this country, torrist who are unaware of this country will find out about Cape Verde's culture. I can honestly say you will be informed on the capital city, current leader, and languages the people ov the country speak. After describing this country i can hope that one day torrist will find thir way to Cape Verde.